PMP Certification Salary

Earning a certification demonstrates that you have the abilities required to lead a team. In fact, acquiring a PMP certification holder can result in a high return on investment for a firm. If you are employed by a firm to effectively manage and deliver projects, you may minimize project expenses and boost profitability for your employer by using the PMP certification abilities you've earned. Furthermore, as firms embrace more project-oriented modes of operation, the job of PMP certification holders is carrying more weight than ever. 

PMP Certificate Salary Range

Because PMP certificate holders add so much value to organizations, you may expect to earn more in your project management capacity than you did previously or with your non-certified counterparts. According to PMI, non-certified project managers in the United States earn an average of $95,000 a year. Project managers with the PMP certification, on the other hand, earn an annual salary of $120,000. 

Why Do PMP Credential Holders Make More Money?

PMP certificate holders are the individuals for the job whether it comes to implementing a new organization-wide software solution or coordinating an overall organizational restructure. Those with the PMP certification are significant assets, and it appears that businesses all around the world are taking notice.

The PMP Certification Provides Global Professional Recognition

The PMP certification is the world's most generally recognized project management qualification. As previously said, having this qualification will undoubtedly result in a better average wage. However, you will get the respect of your colleagues, employers, and clients. This qualification can help you advance in your job.

Opens Up New Career Opportunities

Companies and clients alike understand the value of having a PMP certification holder on their team. PMP certificate holders have demonstrated an understanding of tried-and-true project management practices, and they should be able to finish projects on time and within budget. As a result, if you're seeking prospects to take on greater responsibility, having a PMP certification on your CV may undoubtedly help.

Companies do not want to invest much in significant initiatives just to have them fail when leadership changes. When you can regularly execute projects on time and within budget, the value of having you on the team grows, as does your job security.

Potential Earnings Based on Experience

It seems to reason that someone with more experience would have a higher earning potential. PMP certificate holders with experience, like those in many other fields, may expect to earn greater average earnings as they advance in their careers. However, in order to remain competitive in the market, these PMP certificate holders must maintain their certification.

Credential holders show their employers that they are up to speed on the most recent project management practices by keeping the certification.

Earning Potential Based on Project Size and Scope

Aside from obtaining and maintaining certification, the number and complexity of projects you manage might influence your PMP credential income expectations. And with more expertise comes the capacity to manage even the most difficult, time-consuming tasks.

Finally, all PMP certificate holders strive to deliver projects on time, within scope, and under budget. The requirement to properly manage larger, more complicated projects increases. You should anticipate your post-PMP certification compensation to reflect the increased effort you put into your work if you work on complicated, multinational, or huge projects with large budgets.

How Do You Obtain a PMP Certification?

Earning your Project Management Professional credential requires time and money. There are a few conditions you must complete before you may take the test. Depending on your project management expertise and educational background, you have two options. You must obtain the following if you hold a secondary degree (high school diploma, associate's degree, or worldwide equivalent):

  • 60 months of project management.
  • 35 hours of project management study or certification as a Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM).

You must obtain the following if you have a four-year degree:

  • 36 months of project management.
  • 35 hours of training or certification.
About Author
Shivam J